PT. Media Reka Citra

PT. Media Reka Citra

Kamis, 26 Desember 2013 09:18

We are delighted to announce you that we finally get back to the track and ready to meet you again! Hopefully we can achieve more collaboration with you.

Everybody changes, so do we. We have been learning and grasping so many things and ready to help you anytime.

As a company which is based in a city whose creative atmospheres, Bandung, we not only focus on the optimizations of digital utilization for your needs, but we also refuse to run out of ideas to help you arranging strategies and plans. Every step will be going through the process of design thinking method.

As friends and partners, we believe we are capable of growing and advancing our experiences within this exciting world of integrated digital communication together with you.

Let us introduce ourselves again; we are MRC digital storyteller. We are your friends.


pernah kuliah tapi DO. web design, web developer, networking, system administrator, brand identity design, ui/ux designer, creative content, ux writer, content writer, copywriter, videography, video editing.

"indah itu relatif. indah menurut anda belum tentu indah di mata mereka"


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    Sumber Bahagia - iinisialdotcom

inisialdotcom adalah penyedia jasa dan layanan yang bergerak di bidang teknologi informasi dan industri kreatif. kami menyediakan jasa dan layanan creative content management, pembuatan website, web design and development, logo and brand identity design, pembuatan video profile, sosial media management, networking, komputer multimedia, fleksibel server hosting, interior design and build.

"berawal dari sekedar hobby hingga mencetak prestasi" dari tahun 2008 kami berdiri dan bertekad untuk membangun bisnis yang memiliki daya saing untuk menciptakan produk-produk dan jasa layanan yang dapat memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat secara luas. tidak hanya mengedapankan kualitas, kepuasan anda merupakan salah satu tujuan kami.

contact us

  • Jl. Melati 3, Cibening. Jatibening Baru, Pondok Gede, Bekasi 17412, Indonesia


  • Jl. Manggis Dalam III No.16-A, Ciganjur, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan, 16520


  • Jl. Kemang l. Gang Pemancingan ll, Jatibening Barru, Pondok Gede, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat, 17412

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